

…we’re tired, grumpy, cranky, exhausted, and just want to be left alone.

…our children aren’t perfect and will misbehave.

…spouses will argue and disagree.

…our houses are a mess.

…we say “yes” when we should say “no”

…being joyful is hard – really really hard.

…we’re wrong (I rarely admit this one).

…we need a friend, a real, true friend.

…we are scared of the unknown.

…our dreams do not become reality

…our smile masks hurt and pain.

…we make mistakes and need forgiveness not condemnation.

…we laugh until our sides hurt.

…we cry until the tears stop falling and yet keep crying.

…we need to know someone cares.

…we need to be loved.

…we don’t have enough money.

…we have to say goodbye.

…we want to scream at someone.

…getting out of bed seems like a really bad idea.

…we put extra sprinkles on our ice cream.

…we need to celebrate the little things as much as the big things.

…we feel broken, battered, and bruised.

…we need a vacation – a real vacation, not just a day off.

…saving money isn’t very much fun.

…life is sucky.

…we forget our children’s names (what???  don’t judge.)

…we drink the whole bottle of wine.

…exercise is WAY overrated.

…we find out who our true friends are.

…we break the law.

…we are scared, frightened, and confused.

…taking a nap is the best medicine.

…we disappoint.

…time moves too quickly.

…we don’t get to have an opinion.

…our opinion makes a difference.

…we move on (from friendships, jobs, and difficult situations)

…being a parent is hard, really really hard.

…we pretend everything is okay.


This week – not my best week.  I was not on my “A” game and had a tough time with simple tasks at work and made more mistakes than I care to admit.  I told my children they were lazy when they weren’t doing homework (because they should only ever do homework and not be children.  Whatever). I barked orders at them for not seeing there were chores around the house that needed doing.  I didn’t spend any time with my husband. I didn’t take the dog for a single walk (she’s needy and LOVES to go for walks).  My half-marathon training was done half-heartedly.  I’m tired, and, quite frankly, a little burned out in this season of life.  I’m busy.  My family is BUSY.


And, sometimes…

…a quiet evening at the lake watching the sunset and reconnecting with your spouse puts everything in perspective.

…your children, while growing SO quickly, remind you of how blessed you really are.

…witnessing a baptism AND profession of faith of an entire family steals your breath right out of your lungs.

…attitude really IS everything.

Sometimes…God whispers to me when I’m most distracted to see if I’ll notice.


Here I am, Lord.  Send me.

Here I am Lord

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